Adidas: D Rose Jump Store

Every so often you come across some really cool content on the net and this is an example of one of those times. Adidas was trying to gain more resonance in the London area of Hackney. They built a pop-up store called the “D Rose Jump Store” and filled it with some of the latest sneakers from Adidas.

Derrick Rose, the celebrity endorser on this campaign, grew up in a similar setting and pushed on to become one of the most talked about NBA stars the league has seen to date. The relevance between Rose and the kids of Hackney set the scene for an inspiring marketing initiative by the brand.

One thought on “Adidas: D Rose Jump Store

  1. This is epic! I love this case study, and the insight that Adidas picked up on the youth in that area really resonates with the brand. I really like the feel good vibes that emanate from this video, it makes it easier to identify with Adidas. Yes, they’re a slick and cool brand but this makes them that much more “humane” if that’s the correct word to use in this context.

    Nice one, thanks for sharing!


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